Abstract & Poster Submissions
Submit an Abstract
PhDs and researchers in the areas of molecular nutrition, personalised nutrition, nutrigenomics, nutritional systems biology and metabolomics are invited to submit an abstract to present their research in one of the following sessions:
What is a healthy and sustainable diet?
Diet & the microbiome: lessons learned
Can AI help bridge precision and public health nutrition?
Nutrition & the brain: Insights from molecular mechanisms to clinical applications
Nutrition & inflammation: friend or foe
Ultra-processed foods – what’s the molecular evidence?
If the abstract is selected by the Scientific Committee, the presenting author will be invited to present their research in a 12-15 min. talk during the conference.
Abstract Format
Abstracts should be structured as follows;
Presenting author’s name
Email of presenting author
The abstract should be written as follows; list of all authors and affiliations, title and body (200 words). Note that author list and affiliations are not included in word count.
Poster Format
Posters should be prepared and printed in A0 portrait format: height: 1189 mm (46.81 inches) and width: 841 mm (33.11 inches).
Deadline Dates & Submission
April 17th, 2025, Oral and Poster Presentations
May 12th, 2025, Notification of selected presentations